Asian Invasion is a three-part mini-series presented by Jonathan Ross which aired on BBC Four in January 2006. Focusing on East Asian cinema, the series looked at some of the most famous films, actors and directors in Japan, Korea and Hong Kong.
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Episode 1 first aired on 10 January 2006. It features interviews with Mamoru Oshii and Ryuhei Kitamura and a brief history of Japanese cinema, as Ross builds up to his primary focus of modern Japanese cinema.
Episode 2 first aired on 17 January 2006. In this instalment Ateshim Afeworki meets comedy legend Stephen Chow, discusses the beautiful Michelle Yeoh and hails the illustrious careers of martial arts legends Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee.
Episode 3 first aired on 24 January 2006. Featuring an interview with the, ever more famous, director Park Chan-wook, a look at Korea's burgeoning film industry and also a curious retrospective with regard to North Korean film making efforts.